World AIDS Day 2015 – Show your Solidarity
While there has been a significant and welcome improvement in treatment for HIV, concern remains regarding the numbers of newly diagnosed cases in Ireland. As of mid-November 2015, 411 new diagnoses of HIV have been reported by the HSE’s Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC).
World AIDS Day is a significant annual event in Ireland that helps to raise awareness about the many issues that present themselves for people living with HIV and those at risk of contracting HIV. In 2015, organisations from all over Ireland are working together to roll out a national co-ordinated campaign running for five days from Friday 27th of November until World AIDS Day on the 1st of December. The focus of World AIDS Day 2015 is Solidarity with all people living with HIV, both those who know they are living with HIV, and those who don’t.
The key messages of HIV Visibility, HIV Stigma, HIV Support and HIV Knowledge are being promoted through a social media campaign on Facebook and Twitter asking people to show their solidarity with people who are living with HIV. The Lord Mayor’s in Dublin, Cork, Limerick and Galway are supporting the campaign by promoting the key messages of HIV Visibility, HIV Stigma, HIV Support and HIV Knowledge. Equally, city councils and local authorities are showing their solidarity by lighting up prominent buildings in red in cities across the country. HIV organisations and sexual health services are supporting the campaign in many ways including organised events and activities that will run throughout the campaign and into December.
Support the Campaign and Show your Solidarity
Download the campaign posters and display in your organisation/workplace.
Poster 1 Visibility Poster 2 Stigma Poster 3 Support Poster 4 Knowledge
Download social media materials and post to Facebook and Twitter using the hashtag #WADirl
Download the Facebook profile picture and upload to your Facebook page to support World AIDS Day.
Profile Pic
Follow the campaign on Facebook and Twitter and post a message using the hashtag #WADirl.