Report of the Gonorrhoea Control Group for HSE-East and HSE-SouthEast

A report has been published on the work of the multidisciplinary Gonorrhoea Control Group which was convened in Dublin in December 2012.  The Group investigated the significant increase in the numbers of notifications of gonorrhoea in the eastern part of Ireland and instituted appropriate and effective control measures, resulting in a halt in the rise in notifications of gonorrhoea.  The investigation revealed two groups at most risk of gonorrhoea infection: men who have sex with men and young heterosexuals.  A multidisciplinary and partnership approach was used to alert the health system and to provide sexual health information to the groups at most risk of infection.


A particular highlight was the use of social media in targeting messages to young people.  The #OMGsti Gonorrhoea information campaign, targeting young male and female heterosexuals aged 17 to 25 years, was developed and implemented by a partnership working group consisting of HIV Ireland, the HSE Sexual Health and Crisis Pregnancy Programme,, the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) and the HSE Health Promotion and Improvement Department.  The full report can be viewed and downloaded at