European Men-who-have-Sex-with-Men Internet (MSM) Survey 2017 – Ireland
HIV Ireland was a member of the Communications group responsible for national survey promotion and dissemination of findings of EMIS-2017 Ireland.
The results of EMIS-2017 Ireland provide high quality data which can be used to address the sexual health needs of gay, bi-sexual and other men who have sex with men in Ireland. The results will enable the measurement and development of initiatives aimed at improving sexual health and wellbeing and reducing negative sexual health outcomes. The findings from this study will be used to support the strategic recommendations of the National Sexual Health Strategy 2015–2020.
EMIS-2017 Ireland: Findings from the European Men who have Sex with Men Internet Survey (Ireland)
EMIS-2017 Ireland: Infographics
Infographic 1: Demographic Profile
Infographic 2: Sexual Health and Wellbeing
Infographic 3: Risk and Precautionary Behaviours
Infographic 4: Sexual Health Needs
Infographic 5: Sexual Health Interventions
EMIS-2017 Ireland: Community Reports
Community Reports have also been produced by the Gay Health Network, in conjunction with the EMIS-2017 Ireland Communications Group and Steering Group.