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HIV Ireland Report- Potential impact of the Swedish model on rates of HIV/AIDS among sex workers and their access to healthcare

September 2015 Click on the link below to download HIV Ireland Report on the Potential impact of the Swedish model on rates of HIV/AIDS among sex workers and their access to healthcare Potential impact of the Swedish model on rates of HIVAIDS among sex workers and their access to healthcare. HIV Ireland Report – September […]

HIV Ireland NewsDesk Weekly 25/09/2015

Check out this week’s NewsDesk here: HIV Ireland NewsDesk Weekly 5th to 27th September 2015 This weekly resource includes updates on relevant national, European and international news and policy issues on HIV, hepatitis and sexual health-related issues.  This service is provided free by HIV Ireland to a range of organisations and individuals interested in these areas, […]

Be Part of a Study on HIV and Stigma

Are you a gay man living with HIV? We would like to hear about your experiences and views as a gay man living with HIV. You are invited to participate in a brief online questionnaire (20 minutes) as part of a study being carried out by Queens University Belfast exploring your views on stigma as […]

HIV Ireland Press Release (4th September 2015)

HIV Ireland welcomes Health Ministers call for additional HIV testing to cope with increasing HIV infections in Ireland HIV Ireland has welcomed the Minister for Health, Leo Varadkar’s call for more efforts in the fight against HIV in Ireland at to-days Second Annual Health Sector Consultation event held in Dublin Castle.   In his opening […]

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