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NewsDesk Weekly – week ending 3 November 2017

All the latest news on HIV, STIs, hepatitis and related-issues provided free by HIV Ireland straight to your Inbox. NewsDesk Weekly – week ending 3 November 2017  Subscribe to NewsDesk Weekly here and view previous editions here.

Press Release – 28th October 2017: Support My Legacy Week for HIV Ireland

In this, our 30th Anniversary year, HIV Ireland is joining together with over 50 charities around Ireland to appeal to the public to leave a legacy gift, large or small, to charity in their will. Niall Mulligan, Executive Director with HIV Ireland said “When people choose to leave a legacy donation to HIV Ireland they […]

My Legacy Week 2017: Leave your gift for the future, leave a legacy

This My Legacy Week, HIV Ireland ask you to continue to support us by leaving a legacy gift in your will, after you have taken care of your family and loved ones.  Large or small, it is a special and personal way to make an impact on causes you cherish most for the future. We […]

NewsDesk Weekly – week ending 27 October 2017

All the latest news on HIV, STIs, hepatitis and related-issues provided free by HIV Ireland straight to your Inbox. NewsDesk Weekly – week ending 27 October 2017  Subscribe to NewsDesk Weekly here and view previous editions here.

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