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HIV Ireland ‘welcomes’ availability of PrEP in Ireland

Press Release, 1st December 2017 HIV Ireland ‘welcomes’ availability of PrEP in Ireland ‘PrEP is a crucial HIV prevention medication that can significantly reduce new HIV infections, but it needs to be available to everyone, not just those people who can afford it’ The announcement by TEVA Pharmaceutical Company that it will be introducing Pre-Exposure […]

‘When HIV hit Ireland it had the same devastation it did in San Francisco’

Much has changed in the 30 years since HIV Ireland was established, but some of the same problems – like stigma – remain. THIS YEAR MARKS the 30th anniversary of HIV Ireland. The organisation, which was previously known as the Dublin AIDS Alliance, offers support and information for people living with HIV and advocates on […]

Press Release 30th November: 2017 New HIV Diagnoses Set to be Highest on Record

Press Release 30th November 2017 2017 New HIV Diagnoses Set to be Highest on Record ‘With an average of 10 new HIV diagnoses per week for the second year in a row, Ireland is gripped within a HIV crisis that shows no sign of abating’  On World AIDS Day 2017, Ireland is facing the real […]

Monument to a Plague

Several important milestones around the health of men who have sex with men have been observed in Ireland this year. HIV Ireland marked its 30th anniversary; so too did the GUIDE Clinic at Saint James’ Hospital; the Gay Men’s Health Service celebrated 25 years in existence;  KnowNow, the rapid HIV testing service relaunched after a brief but worrying hiatus; and pharmaceutical giant Gilead […]

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